The 10 Most Costly Food Things in the USA

The expense of food has been ascending in the US for a very long time, and a few things have become especially costly. Here is a rundown of the 10 most costly food things in the USA: 01-Kobe Hamburger Kobe hamburger is a sort of meat from Japan that is known for its great and marbling. It is additionally one of the most costly cuts of meat on the planet, with costs coming to up to $350 per pound. 02-White Truffles White truffles are a sort of organism that is tracked down in Italy. They are profoundly valued for major areas of strength for them and flavor, and they can get costs of up to $1,000 per pound. 03-Bluefin Fish Bluefin fish is a kind of fish that is tracked down in the Mediterranean Ocean and the Pacific Sea. It is viewed as a delicacy, and it can sell for up to $500 per pound. 04-Ayam Cemani chicken Ayam Cemani chicken is a sort of chicken that is local to Indonesia. It is known for its dark quills, skin, and organs, and it can sell for up to $2,000 per bir...